January 2025
Personal Essay/In-person 2024-302
This is an in-person workshop that takes place at Inprint House. This workshop is now full. To be placed on a waitlist for the workshop, please add your information here. You Can’t Save What You Don’t Love: Ecological Personal Essay Writing as an Act of Hope “People protect what they love, they love what they understand, and they understand what they are taught.” – Jacques Cousteau. So many of us, living in cities, are largely cut off from our roots, with…
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Poetry/In-person 2024-303
This is an in-person workshop that takes place at Inprint House The Art of Distance in Poetry The poet and reader, the poet and speaker, and the poet and the subject of the poem are always in implicit conversation. The distance between them creates a specific effect on the poem. Mastery over the poem is also a mastery over the understanding of the way distance and time manifest themselves in the poem. In this workshop, we will identify how…
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Como parte de la serie Escritores en la casa, Casa Inprint les invita a una noche de lectura el próximo 24 de enero a las 7:30 pm con Marcela Turati en conversación con Lydiette Carrión. La lectura es gratis y está abierta al público. Marcela Turati (Ciudad de México) es periodista especializada en investigaciones sobre derechos humanos. Su trabajo ha sido reconocido con galardones a nivel nacional e internacional. Entre ellos destaca el premio Walter Reuters por su cobertura sobre desapariciones de…
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Fiction/In-Person 2024-309
This is an in-person workshop that takes place at Inprint House. This workshop is now full. To be placed on a waitlist for the workshop, please add your information here. Beginnings and Endings: The Fundamentals of Novel Writing Over the next six weeks, we will be diving into the study of the literary novel, with special attention paid to the structure of beginnings and endings. Each week will focus on one of the key craft elements of novel writing, such…
Find out more »February 2025
Poetry Intensive/In-Person 2024-305
This is an in-person workshop that takes place at Inprint House. A Sense of Transition: The Prose Poem In writing, as in life, we often find ourselves in periods of transition. In this class, we delve into an understanding of the form of the prose poem. We use this form to explore the sense of transition, through writing that hovers in the moments where we have a sense of “almost” or a feeling of “neither.” We will look at ways…
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Storytelling Intensive/In-Person 2024-306
This is an in-person workshop that takes place at Inprint House. This workshop is now full. To be placed on a waitlist for the workshop, please add your information here. The Craft of Writing Scenes Almost all of us have a story or two that we love to tell, stories worn smooth with retelling. They are some of our best work, having over many months or years taught us which words to linger on, or when to pause for laughter.…
Find out more »March 2025
Spanish Creative Writing Intensive/In-Person 2024-308
This is an in-person workshop that takes place at Inprint House. Escribiendo en español: emoción, ritmo y voz. El lenguaje nos conecta con el mundo y con otros. En este taller vamos a explorar qué significa escribir en español en Texas. Cuando escribimos no solo nuestra experiencia se refleja en el texto, sino también las palabras y las mentes de otros. Cada palabra contiene una historia. Como escritores a veces nos preguntamos “¿cómo sé que esta cosa que escribí es…
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