This is an in-person workshop that takes place at Inprint House.
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The (Short) Road Trip: A Generative Workshop
The Road Trip is one of the oldest tropes in literature – there is something that is probably fundamental to our nature that is drawn to stories about heroes setting out on quests, returning in triumph, or escaping to a new life. Think of Odysseus, Huck Finn, Peewee Herman. The Road Trip can provide stories with structure, conflict, and desire.
Using the short stories “Work” by Denis Johnson and “Pretty Ice” by Mary Robison as our roadmaps, we will discuss certain elements of fiction craft. Each week, I will provide generative exercises, based on class discussions. The exercises together are meant to combine to form a rough draft of a story. In other words, if all goes well, by the end of the course, you will have a first draft of something new.
All styles and genres are welcome. We will read from our exercises each week and provide each other oral feedback. I will provide PDFs of craft essays and short stories for optional further reading.