This is an online workshop that takes place via Zoom.
This workshop is full. If you’d like to be added to the waitlist, please sign up here.
Crafting Fiction
Over eight weeks, this online workshop will introduce you to the art of writing fiction. We will focus on craft elements such as character, point of view, plot, setting, and more. We will also discuss the writing process and consider how our own processes might call for pliability depending on the form of a given project (flash prose, short story, novel). We’ll read published stories each week, and you’ll receive weekly writing prompts, which will help you generate new material. Everyone will have the opportunity to workshop a story or an excerpt of a longer piece. Workshop submissions will receive detailed feedback from the instructor. You’ll be expected to write outside of class and complete assigned readings prior to each meeting. At the end of the course, you will have a deeper sense of your voice and style, drafts on which you can continue to work, and the tools for approaching future projects. This workshop is open to writers of all levels and backgrounds.