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Navigating the Novel
Jose Saramago has said of the contemporary novel, “[it] is not so much a literary genre, but a literary space, like a sea that is filled by many rivers.” Its facets are many. Its possibilities are endless. So, how exactly does one go about knowing where to start in writing a novel? And how does one know exactly when they are finished? In this course we’ll look at several modes of the novel in its contemporary form, breaking down what works (and why) while considering some possible shapes and structures that lend themselves to the kinds of stories that we want to tell. To this end, we’ll workshop each other’s works-in-progress in the hopes of gaining some direction as well as reinforcing concepts discussed and learned throughout the course. We’ll consider the novel as a journey as opposed to a task or a mountain to be surmounted. This workshop should be fun, meditative, and ultimately energizing for both us and our work.