Tintero Projects brings you a series of writing workshops at Inprint this October, led by Houston’s top Latinx writers
The first of these four generative workshops will be led by Lupe Mendez and will focus on Flash Fiction. For details on the Oct 14 workshop click here, Oct 21 click here, and Oct 28 click here.
Registration is free and open to the public, writers of color are especially encouraged to attend
1st hour – a “brainstorming session” to get the words together
2nd hour – instructor Lupe Mendez will lead the way
LUPE MENDEZ is a Poet/Educator/Activist, CantoMundo, Macondo & Poetry Incubator Fellow, and co-founder of the Librotraficante Caravan. He works with Nuestra Palabra: Latino Writers Having Their Say to promote poetry events, advocate for literacy/literature, and organize creative writing workshops that are open to the public. He is the founder of Tintero Projects and works with emerging Latinx writers and other writers of color within the Texas Gulf Coast Region, with Houston as its hub. He is also one of the hosts of Ink Well, a podcast in collaboration with Inprint. His publishing credits include prose work in Latino Rebels, Houston Free Press, Kenyon Review, and Norton’s Sudden Fiction Latino: Short Short Stories from the United States and Latin America, and poetry that appears in Huizache, Luna Luna, Pilgrimage, Border Senses, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, Glass Poetry Journal and Gulf Coast. He is currently editor of They Say, the Texas based-YA poetry anthology from Iconoclast Artists. Lupe and received his MFA from the University of Texas @ El Paso and teaches in Houston, TX. His first collection of poetry WHY I AM LIKE TEQUILA (Willow Books, 2019) is due out in March.
About Tintero Projects: Founded by poets Lupe and Jasminne Mendez, Tintero Projects/Proyectos Tintero aims to promote writing and reading opportunities for emerging Latinx poets and writers in the Houston/Galveston/Gulf Coast Region. Tintero Projects is the emerging writers’ arm of Nuestra Palabra: Latino Writers Having Their Say, focusing on creating workshop and open-mic opportunities in Spanish, English, Spanglish, Indigenous Languages, and Portuguese, and helping to establish a network of Latinx community-based writers. Currently, Tintero Projects hosts poetry readings in collaboration with local venues and organizations across the city of Houston to showcase the work of national and international Latinx/Latin American writers, hosts a biannual writing workshop series consisting of four sessions per month in the fall and in the spring, and provides a monthly open mic series. For more information click here.