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Writers Workshops

Teachers-as-Writers Workshop/Online 2024-213

Course #Teachers-as-Writers Workshop/Online 2024-213
Wednesdays Starting October 2 6:30 pm–8:30 pm running 6 weeks
Cost: $45 registration fee Instructor: Angélique Jamail

This is an online workshop that takes place via Zoom

This workshop is open for K-12 educators and staff. Up to 12 CPE hours are available for this workshop by request.

Centering Ourselves in Our Own Narratives: A Multi-Genre Workshop

As teachers, we are primed to observe the human condition in real-time. We’ve collected dozens, if not hundreds, of stories from our experiences as educators, meeting people where they are and helping them to grow beyond what they thought they could achieve. We are so immersed in this earnest, meaningful work that we can sometimes forget to reflect on our own growth, on our own part in the human condition. Indulging our creativity is more than just fun; it’s necessary to our wellbeing and vital to our teaching practice. You know the phrases we have for it: refilling the well, recharging the batteries, getting R&R.

Through the intentional, focused exploration of our own stories we can re-center ourselves in our narratives. In this multi-genre workshop, we’ll use various poetry and prose forms to draw out our own stories. Each session will include an exploration of mentor texts, generative writing time, and the chance to share our work for feedback in a supportive atmosphere. The techniques and exercises in this course can also be adapted for the classroom.

About the instructor

ANGÉLIQUE JAMAIL is a Lebanese-American author whose work has appeared in Synkroniciti, Equinox, New Reader Magazine, Waxwing, Femmeliterate, Literary Mama, and others. Her fiction books include Finis. and Homecoming and her book of poetry is called The Sharp Edges of Water. She’s also the creator of the zine Sonic Chihuahua. Her work has been nominated for Best Small Fictions, has been a finalist for the New Letters Prize in Poetry, and has won various essay contests. She serves on the Board of Directors for Mutabilis Press and as the Creative Writing Director at The Kinkaid School.

By registering for an Inprint Writers Workshop you are agreeing to Inprint’s registration policies. If this workshop is full when you try to register, please sign up on the waiting list here so you receive priority registration the next time this class is offered. For details and a schedule of all the current workshop offerings, click here

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