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Writers Workshops

Teachers-as-Writers Intensive/In-Person 2024-307

Course #Teachers-as-Writers Workshop Intensive/In-Person 2024-307
Saturday February 22 1:30 pm–5:30 pm & Sunday, February 23, 1:30 - 5:30 pm
Cost: $45 registration fee Instructor: Louisa Brady




This is an in-person workshop that takes place at Inprint House. This workshop is open for K-12 educators and staff. Up to 8 CPE hours are available for this workshop by request.

Developing Characters through Empathy

As storytellers we have an instinct for developing characters that are, in many ways, like ourselves. They might speak the way we speak, think the way we think, or find themselves in situations similar to ours. How can we broaden and deepen our ability to imagine fictional characters?

As teachers, we are required to consistently practice empathy for our students, their families, and for our fellow educators. This can be as emotionally challenging as it can be rewarding. In this workshop, we will use moments of empathy (or missed opportunities for such understanding) from our own experiences as educators in order to better delve into and write the complex characters we want to see on the page. The aim of this workshop is not only to make our characters more vivid and specific, but also to have reflected on the social and emotional aspects of our teaching practices in ways that can be applied in the classroom.

About the instructor

LOUISA BRADY is a science educator from Brooklyn, NY, and a children’s book publishing professional. As a writer, her fiction revolves around childhood and coming-of-age narratives. She serves as Assistant Fiction Editor for Gulf Coast Journal. Louisa is a candidate for an MFA in Fiction at the University of Houston where she is an Inprint C. Glenn Cambor Fellow.

By registering for an Inprint Writers Workshop you are agreeing to Inprint’s registration policies. If this workshop is full when you try to register, please sign up on the waiting list here so you receive priority registration the next time this class is offered. For details and a schedule of all the current workshop offerings, click here



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