This is an in-person workshop that takes place at Inprint House.
This workshop is open for K-12 educators and staff. Up to 12 CPE hours are available for this workshop by request.
Special thanks to The Samuels Foundation for making this workshop possible.
I do not know what I will say until I begin to say it. I do not know what I have said until I begin to hear it. Is this poetry I have composed? It is a process of Centering which I undertook consciously at this moment of writing, committing myself to letting what was there happen. Is this what poetry is, letting what is there be there, radiantly, all of it? –M.C. Richards
Centering our creative practice can be difficult. As educators, we are often centering the creativity and learning of our students and, while this can be incredibly rewarding, it sometimes means our own writing practice takes a backseat. This course is an invitation to center our own voices, our own creative impulses, and reconnect with our imaginations. All experience levels are welcome! In this workshop, we will nurture our writing practice and draw inspiration from reading and discussing a variety of published work (mainly poetry, flash-fiction, and short non-fiction) by writers from different backgrounds and aesthetic sensibilities. Importantly, each session will combine discussion of examples, participant’s own work, and generative writing activities. We’ll work towards cultivating a sense of trust and vulnerability as we commit ourselves to what is on the page, in our heads, in our bodies—letting what is there be there, radiantly, all of it.