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Writers Workshops

Fiction/In-Person 2024-309

Course #Fiction /In-person 2024-309
Mondays Starting January 27 6:00 pm–9:00 pm running 6 weeks
Cost: $315 Instructor: Katerina Ivanov Prado
This workshop is full


Inprint House
1520 W Main St
Houston, TX 77006 United States
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This is an in-person workshop that takes place at Inprint House. This workshop is now full. To be placed on a waitlist for the workshop, please add your information here.

Beginnings and Endings: The Fundamentals of Novel Writing

Over the next six weeks, we will be diving into the study of the literary novel, with special attention paid to the structure of beginnings and endings. Each week will focus on one of the key craft elements of novel writing, such as perspective, plot structure, scene crafting, and narrative pacing. In addition we will be analyzing various novel excerpts that demonstrate diverse approaches to crafting long-form fiction, with selections from Toni Morrison, Jenny Offil, Louise Erdrich, Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Tommy Orange, and others.

Students will also engage in writing exercises and structured prompts designed to help develop their own novel projects, sharing work from their first and last pages. By layering these elements week by week, participants will leave the course with a stronger understanding of how to start, structure, and conclude a novel-length work. Peer and instructor feedback will provide valuable insight into the writing you create and refine throughout the course.

About the instructor

KATERINA IVANOV PRADO’s multi-genre writing has been published in Narrative, Brevity, Catapult, The Rumpus, Joyland, Passages North and others. She has won the Narrative Story Prize, John Weston Award for Fiction, the AWP Intro Journals Award, The Pinch Nonfiction Literary Award, and the Florida Review’s Editors Award, and has received generous fellowship support from VCCA, the Rona Jaffe Foundation, Bread Loaf Writers Conference, and Reese’s Book Club. She obtained her MFA in Fiction at University of Arizona and is a Ph.D. candidate in Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Houston where she is an Inprint Mary Gibbs and Jesse H. Jones fellow.

By registering for an Inprint Writers Workshop you are agreeing to Inprint’s registration policies. If this workshop is full when you try to register, please sign up on the waiting list here so you receive priority registration the next time this class is offered. For details and a schedule of all the current workshop offerings, click here

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