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Writers Workshops

Dual-Language Intensive/In-Person 2024-203

Course #Dual-Language Intensive/In-Person 2024-203
Saturday September 14 1:30 pm–5:30 pm & Sunday, September 15, 1:30 - 5:30 pm (CT), free registration
Instructor: Maribel Bello & Dillon Scalzo


Inprint House
1520 W Main St
Houston, TX 77006 United States
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This is a free in-person workshop that takes place at Inprint House.

Escribiendo con el cuerpo | Writing with the Body

Dual Language Writing Workshop (Spanish/English)—All Your Spanglishes and Englishes are welcome!

Writing with the Body is an immersive writing workshop in which we will work with our bodies as inspiration for the creative process. Through movement we will access memory and self-awareness that will inspire our writing. We will experiment with strategies and exercises to generate writing that surprises us and encourages us to expand our creativity beyond our usual aesthetics and approaches.

PART 1: Waking the Body (led by: Maribel Bello)

Different body movements and sequences will be performed accompanied by music and sound to stimulate the body and inspire the generation of the first drafts/texts.

PART 2:  Serious Play: Write and Revise (led by: Dillon Scalzo)

We will explore a series of writing and revision strategies using language and exercises that use ideas of serious play to allow us to find unexpected ways to continue working on the texts generated in phase one.

NOTE: Participation in this workshop does not require any type of prior knowledge or experience! Our principal “language” will be the body and it’s not necessary to speak Spanish or English fluently. Writing in any language is welcome and celebrated, but feedback will only be given in Spanish+English. People with physical restrictions are welcome and the workshop can be adapted to your needs.

Escribiendo con el cuerpo es un taller inmersivo de escritura en el que trabajaremos con el cuerpo como principal herramienta y lenguaje para el proceso creativo. A través de movimientos corporales evocaremos memorias, sentires y pensamientos que serán incorporados como parte de nuestra escritura. Experimentaremos con diferentes estrategias y ejercicios para generar escrituras que nos sorprendan y motiven a ampliar nuestras estéticas y planteamientos habituales.

PART 1: Despertando el cuerpo

Se realizarán diferentes movimientos y secuencias corporales acompañados de musica y cantos para estimular el cuerpo y provocar la generación de los primeros borradores/textos.

PART 2:  Jugar en serio: escribir y revisar

Exploraremos una serie de estrategias de escritura y revisión utilizando el juego y ejercicios lúdicos que nos permitan encontrar formas inesperadas para seguir trabajando los textos generados en la fase uno.

About the Instructors

MARIBEL BELLO was born in Cuajimalpa, Mexico City and has lived in Buenos Aires, Argentina and in Austin/Houston, Texas. Woman, daughter, writer and social researcher, Maribel is currently a PhD candidate in Creative Writing in Spanish at the University of Houston. She received her MA in Latin American Studies from the University of Texas at Austin and a Bachelor’s degree from Universidad Nacional Autonóma de Mexico (UNAM) in Communication Sciences. Her research explores Migration Studies, Affectivities, Precariousness and Home(s) as Body(ies) framed by the transcultural life experiences of Mexican migrants, particularly between Guanajuato, Mexico and Austin/Houston, TX. She is also an actor/performer working with community theaters in Latino America and the United States. She trained with Nicolás Nuñez as part of Investigacion Teatral UNAM, as well as with Guillermo Angelelli, Lila Monti, and Guillermo Cacace in Buenos Aires. She incorporates theatrical methodologies to develop her research, fieldwork and writing. Bello explores the theatricality that exists as part of everyday life, as well as the Memories stored in the Body that allow us to discover or stir emotions in ourselves. Recently, she was the recipient of the Crossing Latinidades Mellon Humanities Fellowship, the CLASS Summer Fellowship for Research Excellence and Diversity at UH, and the US Latino Digital Humanities Center Mellon Foundation grant.

DILLON SCALZO is a poet and translator with a passion for working back and forth between the mediums of Spanish and English. He spent thirteen years based on the U.S./Mexico border in San Diego, California/Tijuana y Tecate, Baja California, while completing a BA in English and Spanish at the University of San Diego and an MFA in Creative Writing at San Diego State University. He has studied in México, Spain, and completed a U.S. Fulbright grant in Uruguay teaching Creative Writing in Spanish and English. Dillon is interested in all things transfronterizo, especially the movement of poetry and art across physical and imaginal borderlands, bilingual education, and in the synthesis of radical and traditional writing techniques. He currently teaches Creative Writing for Writers in the Schools Houston (WITS), is a translator and Educator at Contemporary Arts Museum Houston (CAMH), and a PhD candidate in Creative Writing en español at the University of Houston. He was recently a finalist for the Gabo Prize for Translation from Lunch Ticket.

By registering for an Inprint Writers Workshop you are agreeing to Inprint’s registration policies. If this workshop is full when you try to register, please sign up on the waiting list here so you receive priority registration the next time this class is offered. For details and a schedule of all the current workshop offerings, click here

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