This is an in-person workshop that takes place at Inprint House.

This intensive is intended for the writer considering making even more room for their writing practice and wanting to get their fiction out into the world. We will build on fundamental elements of fiction––such as point of view, voice, characterization, form––while polishing a work of fiction through constructive feedback. Here, we welcome writers who have taken at least one fiction workshop at Inprint, or who have a solid understanding or background in creative writing. Note: manuscript submissions will be due for everyone on July 5th, or one week before the workshop meets.
About the instructor
LISA WARTENBERG VÉLEZ is a Colombian-born writer of fiction who grew up in Florida. Her work has or will receive creative and/or financial support from Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, Kenyon Workshops, Ucross Foundation, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow, and Tin House Workshop. MFA: University of Houston (2023) where she was a recipient of an Inprint Mary Gibbs and Jesse H. Jones Fellowship. Publications include Nimrod, moot point; forthcoming in Best Debut Stories 2023 (Catapult). She is a recent winner of a 2023 PEN/Robert J Dau Prize.
By registering for an Inprint Writers Workshop you are agreeing to Inprint’s registration policies. If this workshop is full when you try to register, please sign up on the waiting list here so you receive priority registration the next time this class is offered. For details and a schedule of all the current workshop offerings, click here.